I love reading, ever since I was younger, I can remember countless times falling asleep with a book in my hand. If I ever got grounded, I wasn’t allowed my Gameboy or any Lego, but I could always grab a book. When I found out I was going to be a father, nothing changed – I went straight to the books.
I read all the classics; What to Expect When You’re Expecting, The Happiest Baby on the Block, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, as well as some newer releases such as Cribsheet. They were all extremely helpful but there was a similar tone throughout all of them, the father was always secondary – or had a singular chapter dedicated to them. The books were all written for moms and didn’t seem as relatable to me as I was hoping. After some searching for dad books online, and sifting through pages of terrible, out-of-touch results, I was finally able to find a few good authors and their corresponding books. Below I have compiled a list of some of my favorites that were truly helpful to me during this time.

The Expectant Father: The Ultimate Guide for Dads-to-Be
By: Armin A.Brott, Jennifer Ash
This book was very helpful because it covered everything surrounding the journey of pregnancy such as finances and mental health, as well as the pregnancy process but from a sensical male perspective.

From Dude to Dad
By: Chris Pegula and Frank Meyer
I know, the title sucks – but it was a great book! This is the perfect novel to start with if you are completely new like me. It’s written for fathers and has a humorous tone that makes you feel a little less terrified about becoming a dad.
This book was very helpful because it covered everything surrounding the journey of pregnancy such as finances and mental health, as well as the pregnancy process.

Expecting Better
By: Emily Oster
Perfect if you’re an analytical data-driven person like me, give you statistics and facts in plain easy to understand language.
Covers the entire pregnancy from conception to birth – Emily is a fantastic author and I thoroughly enjoyed her other novel Cribsheet as well.